How to Boost Your Laptop Performance with Driver Ralink Rt3090bc4 V20a
After Replacing the old card, I open my laptop and install a new windows 7. After compliting installing windows 7, I found that there were wifi network bar in my notification panel rather than square box for dial up or eethernet network. that means wifI adapter is installed. Then I press the wireless key. when it turned to white color from orange then I found my router name which shows excellent network. I click on it and give the security password. when I pressed to connect.then it says that "Windows was unable to connect ABCZone(my router name). In 'Device Manager>Network Adapter', there was also present the wifi driver. I also tried by updating it through driverpack online and driverbooster pro. but no output. I have also tried by your provided mediatek ralink driver but no output same message could not connect. I have also changed my windows 7 disc. same mesage. for ur concern I want to tell u that In 'BIOS' WlAN FCC ID and Bluetooth FCC ID are available'
Driver Ralink Rt3090bc4 V20a
Ao retirar a tampa da placa wifi, informa Ralink rt3090bc4 e não realtek, mesmo assim tentei instalar, porém, sem sucesso.Ao clicar no botão do wifi, ele permanece laranja, não fica azul nem a **bleep**, e apenas ativa o bluethoot, o wifi não dá sinalde vida.O windows não detecta o wifi, e no gerenciador de dispositivos, não parece nada pendente de drivers e nenhum conflito.